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3/28 Lexia Superstar

《Lexia Superstar》 This month we had many students move up one or more levels in their Lexia reading program. We would like to congratulate (front row from left to right) Ellis Lan, Hardy Chen, Christine Chang, Clare Liu, Luca Yang, Yoyo Chen (back row from left to right) Oscar Chang, Suri Liu, Molly Klossner, Melinda Lett, Rian Abushehab, Pranav Shyam, Simon Wu and (not pictured) Aisha Yang. Special congratulations to Christine Chang and Pranav Shyam for moving up two levels in Lexia this month. Finally, we want to give recognition to two students who have completed all their levels in Lexia. These students have put in a lot of time and effort in their reading program over the last two years and we are exceptionally proud of them. Congrats to (from left to right) Ryan Kuo and Chung Tai Lai! What an amazing accomplishment!

《培養學生自我負責以及積極學習態度》 這個月,我們有許多學生在 Lexia 線上閱讀中晉級,恭喜(前排從左到右)Ellis Lan、Hardy Chen、Christine Chang、Clare Liu、Luca Yang、Yoyo Chen(後排從左到右)Oscar Chang、Suri Liu、Molly Klossner、Melinda Lett, Rian Abushehab、Pranav Shyam、Simon Wu 和(未拍照)Aisha Yang。恭喜 Christine Chang 和 Pranav Shyam一次晉升二級

此外我們還要特別表揚兩位學生,完成了他們在Lexia級別的全部測驗。 過去兩年,他們花了相當多時間和精力進行學習,真的為你們的努力感到驕傲。 恭喜(從左到右)Ryan Kuo 和 Chung Tai Lai! 實在太棒了!

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