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THIMUN Singapore

From November 17 to November 23, four students from the Model United Nations (MUN) club attended THIMUN Singapore. Ariel Chen served as the head chair of General Assembly 3, and worked hard to manage a room of about 50 delegates from all over the world. Ethan Murphy, Ethen Chiu, and McKenzie Chen represented the country of Israel in three separate General Assembly committees, where they worked to draft, revise, and pass resolutions related to the conference theme. At the end of each day, students also got to enjoy Singaporean cuisine and several popular tourist attractions, including Marina Bay Sand, the Night Safari, the Singapore Flyer, and Universal Studios!

The THIMUN Singapore conference is a five-day simulation of the United Nations. It is one of three conferences sponsored by the THIMUN Foundation. The THIMUN Foundation’s mission is to promote and foster collaborative, solution-oriented discussion to important issues. Attendants of THIMUN conferences seek, through discussion, negotiation, and debate, solutions to the various problems of the world, such as questions of human rights, protection of the environment, economic development, disarmament, and the problems of youth and of refugees, as well as the more critical issues of war and peace. While most of the MUN conferences HAS students attend take place in Taiwan, THIMUN Singapore gives students the opportunity to meet and work with students on an international level.


11/17~11/23 本校模擬聯合國(MUN)社團的四位學生參與了新加坡模擬聯合國會議。這次的會議由Ariel Chen擔任第三屆聯合國大會主席,努力管理著來自世界各地的各國代表們。Ethan Murphy及Ethen Chiu和McKenzie Chen在三個獨立大會委員會中代表以色列發言,他們致力於起草,修訂和通過與會議主題有關的決議。這群學生們利用會議結束的空擋,品嚐新加坡美食和造訪當地知名景點,包括濱海灣花園、夜間野生動物園、新加坡摩天觀景輪和環球影城! 這次一連進行五天的新加坡模擬聯合國(THIMUN)會議,是由模擬聯合國(THIMUN)基金會贊助的三場會議之一。模擬聯合國(THIMUN) 基金會主要的願景,是促進和培養學生們對重要問題的合作協商,解決方案的討論。參與模擬聯合國(THIMUN)會議的與會學生們,籍由討論、談判和辯論,尋求解決世界上各種問題的解決方案。例如:人權、環境保護、經濟發展、解除武裝以及青年和難民、戰爭與和平等等的關鍵議題。雖然HAS的學生參加過在台灣舉行的MUN會議,但此次的新加坡模擬聯合國會議,確實提供了一個與國際學生見面交流的台平及合作的機會。

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